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Messages - Astron

Unban Requests / Re: Alex's Appeal
June 25, 2018, 07:33:55 AM
It was airbrake.
General Server Discussion / PICKUPS DOESNT WORK
February 10, 2018, 12:26:51 PM
i joined today and wondered why noone was online.
then i realized that the nos pickup doenst work.

pls fix ty ty
Unban Requests / Re: LiTa Unban Application
April 30, 2016, 12:45:31 PM
Ok and how long did you take for the hunter?

Did you take this hunter pickup?
Unban Requests / Re: LiTa Unban Application
April 30, 2016, 10:15:15 AM
Hello, the admin who banned isn't administrator anymore, so we can't ask for proofs or something like that.
Can you proof your innocence in any way? As I see you got banned 16 days ago, why did you write your ban appeal just now and not earlier?

Howsoever we have to wait for an admin level 3, he can decide what will happen now.

Best regards,
Bug reports / Re: Report broken maps here
April 28, 2016, 05:11:30 PM
something of the wr is missing
Bug reports / Re: Report broken maps here
April 27, 2016, 10:59:01 AM
The teleport doesnt work
Suggestions / Astron's suggestions
April 27, 2016, 10:24:58 AM
Hello, I will present my suggestions here.

Admin chat: A chat for every admin, they can better discuss about cheaters or something else.
Car repair after every loaded warp: The car should get repaired in after every loaded warp. It's annoying  when I have to press f after every fail in the training mode.
Admin spectate system: The admins should get a seperate spectate system. At the moment they have to join the gamemode to spectate reported players. Thats unfavorable.
Disable toptimes of banned players: A function for admins which disables all toptimes of a banned player. They shouldn't get deleted because he will appeal his ban. If he can proof that he didn't use hacks, his toptimes should get reactivated. Also the ban system should have a function which allows admins to choose between a normal ban and a cheater ban (disable tt's + ban)
Anti chat spam: Automute if a player writes some messages in the same second or exactly the same message several times
Anti command spam: To prevent that the chatlog gets spammed unnecessary, someone who spams commands constantly should get banned 5 minutes or something like that
Pvp system: A simple pvp/challenge system between two players.
Clan system: Allows to create clans by players.
Maybe a bonus system: For every online hour a player should get some cash (just in modes if he isnt afk)
/admin command restrict: Only players which a total score of for example 4k+ can use /admins

I will add some more suggestions soon.

Best regards,
Suggestions / Re: Voteredo
April 19, 2016, 03:34:27 PM
what happened with this suggestion?
mooman? what happened
Development / Re: I made something
December 06, 2015, 08:30:35 PM
Development / Re: Your most desired feature
December 02, 2015, 04:01:21 PM

/pvp system

Carspawn fix
General Server Discussion / Re: Admin applications
December 01, 2015, 01:56:32 PM
Admin application
Hello, in the following message I will tell you something about me, why you should choose me as an staff member and some more information.

At first some facts about me:

Ingamename: AsTroN
Age: 16 years old
Gender: Male
Country: Germany
Contact: Sadly I don't have skype or something else, but we can find a solution.
My character: I'm a friendly and sociable person. I'm trying to help other people and answer their questions as good as possible.


Hello staff officers,
now I will tell something about my efficiency as a staff member. I can speak proper english, which is a important requirement on this server.
I have good communication skills and thats good to solve conflikts between users and admins. I represent my personal opinion to some persons/thing, which can be a good property, but also a bad. Well, I tried every time to have a neutral position of my fellows, because I don't like this difficult situations betweet players.
Also I can be a good friend and speaking parter, but I can be serious too.
I also play since four months on this server. So I know some bugs and how to solve them.

Yours faithfully,
General Server Discussion / Re: Temporary downtime
November 16, 2015, 12:48:15 PM
doesnt work
Off-Topic / Re: I want introduce my self.
October 27, 2015, 04:09:35 PM
no random, no
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 30, 2015, 01:14:41 PM
Mastro please upload your screenshots on a site like
I´m sure no one wants to download this folder