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Messages - SPY

Off-Topic / My LED lights (by me)
November 14, 2017, 04:15:29 AM
So if u like them, u got them in the arrachment...
Help & Resources / Forgotten password
November 05, 2017, 02:09:53 PM
Hello, in-game name SPY, the old acc, forgot my pass.
Can u somehow view it and pm me, or reset it?  :)
Bug reports / Re: Stats bug
September 20, 2015, 04:17:50 PM
So pls, can someone tell me whats going on with my acc its still fucked up.
This is lastest stats pic:
So if u can get my old stats back + this one, that would be gr8, if u cant its okey, but tell me to know whats going on here.
Bug reports / Re: Stats bug
September 13, 2015, 03:05:33 PM
Okey just try it.
Bug reports / Stats bug
September 12, 2015, 11:09:40 PM
What the hell happend here ? My score and cash are the same but Time online, DM and DD stats are on 0 wtf ?!
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 12, 2015, 03:44:28 PM
Quote from: Sarah on September 11, 2015, 10:24:48 AM
Why all insuits me
allowed insuits
Cuz u think cheating is allowed  :)
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 08, 2015, 02:59:44 PM
Quote from: asTroN on September 04, 2015, 07:14:06 PM

The player flew a little bit forward to get the jump. :)
Wow admins, isnt this enough to ban him/her w/e  :D
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
September 01, 2015, 05:23:58 AM
I want u, admins, check "=Sarah=" saw shes/hes using speed hax not only this morning... Saw she/he a lot of times but cant screenshot speed hax and i dont have fraps or smt to record it, but pls have a look at Sarah... Shes/Hes hacking all the time, and i think its actually a male whos hacking, just named "=Sarah=".
Bug reports / Re: Report broken maps here
August 30, 2015, 04:08:09 PM
Symmetry is bugged On that part, it doesnt have that invisible road.
Suggestions / Cmd for delete top-times
August 27, 2015, 10:11:17 AM
Add command which will allow admins to delete top-time(s)  :)
Clans / Re: [urL] - United Racing League
August 25, 2015, 12:06:03 AM
BOOM !!  :P
1.In-game name: SPY
2.Real life name: Lazar
3.DM/DD score: 5k+
4.DM Skills ( x/10 ): idk, cant give a mark to myself, but lets say its 6.  :-X
5.DD Skills ( x/10 ): 8 maybe  :'(
6.Where are you from: Serbia
7.Rate your English knowledge ( x/10 ): 7-8
8.Why do you want to join [urL]: Its nice clan.
1) Go to the site( and select the color you want.
2) When you did it, you'll have the hex code of your selected color(copy it or remember it, you'll need it).
3) Type in-game the cmd /namecolour [hex code of your color] (ex. /namecolour FF0000)
And you're done.

Hope someone will find this useful.  :)