Unban to [x]._MenorCHAVOSO.

Started by MenorCHAVOSO, August 20, 2018, 11:15:32 PM

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  • ._MenorCHAVOSO.
    " Healthhack | TP Hack!"

    I was playing normally with my friend JuNiiN, then entered a player with a nick like my, probably with the intention of confusing and succeeded because I was banned next to him because he was using cheater, I would ask to analyze and verify that there were 2 and it was not me who was using cheaters and I was a side effect in this story


In fact, I made a mistake, I mistook you for Cheroso.
He was banned with the reason TP / Healthhack but this was corrected to "Ban Evade".

Your Account [x ] ._ MenorCHAVOSO. has been unbanned.
Use /reportmap <reason> to report bugged maps.
(Note: Only the map which is currently lodaded can be reported Example: you can't report Dark Skills Paradise while playing Stereo Mexico II)