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Messages - Mastro

Development / Re: Updates
April 26, 2016, 06:39:16 PM
Nice job, but as i can see on " Maps " this Alien Experience doesn't exist anymore, because i try once to buy it ig
General Server Discussion / Re: Admin applications
April 25, 2016, 04:52:30 PM
dude i will always stay here on SB, cause i'm playing here since open so i respect all rules, admins , whole community why do u even ruin my application, Even when EG/XC was opened, i was the only player wich was stay on SB!

When Whole admin team was on each server while i was rounded with cheaters, because I could not do anything about it and I just ignored them, and presented a report on the forum, Because I did not want to play alone but I still did it and did not mention any other server on which I should be admin or not because I'm on this server from the beginning of when it began to function properly,I will never leave this server wich i like this server and appreciate what these guys are doing this but you do not understand some of the things I have said the same words to mooman on start, this server is gonna work perfectly they are trying to fix all maps or smth less. As for me, I do not have to get an admin but I will always be there to help with anything, because I promised maybe someone hates me or is completely not interested, although he would like to correct these things I've done some

Peace i'm done here !
General Server Discussion / Re: Admin applications
April 25, 2016, 12:21:38 PM
Hello and Welocme to my Admin Application.

My Name is Mastro, i'm 20 Years old and I'm on Strawberries since the beginning of this Server, every day i see many Hackers, also people which need help. I really like to help people like i do it already every day.
But the real Reason why i want to be a Admin ist that i want to help the Players even more.
As i already said i see many Hackers on this server which didnt get caught, specially at night.
I just want to say i would like to get a chance to show that I like to help people.

Greetings Mastro
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
April 22, 2016, 12:43:43 AM
Would you please ban his IP Adress, i'm to tired of this as*ho*es, just do that and i bet he will not use any of proxy sh*t, if he even use he will get ban automaticly so  " peace beast is out "

[02:38:12] [DM] Tools [3]:{ffffff} when i tt map everyone will call me mr.ha.cker
[02:38:57] [DM] Rocky [4]:{ffffff} ur faster?
[02:39:12] [DM] Tools [3]:{ffffff} lol

[02:39:22] [DM] Tools [3]:{ffffff} who u rocky
i'm rocky balboa ( joking ) just repoting this guy it may be faster/matrix or what ever

Suggestions / Re: Voteredo
April 20, 2016, 07:49:20 PM
Good luck, whatever it is that this does not look like anything
Suggestions / Mastro Suggestion
April 13, 2016, 01:42:01 PM
1. Win for +3players
It should be like you can only get wins if 3 or more players are in the same mode, else it wouldn't be a win and you could farm money because of the mulipicator for winstreaks.

2. Vote redo (/vr or /redo)
A redo option could be cool, but there should be atleast 3players for it.

3.More togs
Sometimes guys have to be funny and spam anywhere, you can only deactivate the whole chat if no admin is online, what about /togglobal and /togmode and things, could be good for some people that have problems with fps.


I think it would be better if you can get 1Toptimes each map instead of getting as many Toptimes in a map as you want.
This would be fair for other players.

5. My second suggestion:
Add /ask as command to answer questions.

6.It would be nice to make the Clan Ranks editable.
Like what the ranks can do and how the Ranks are called.
and also which Prefix they have like atm "(CO)" for Co Leader.
It should be Editable by Leaders and Co Leaders.
i think mooman is gonne shut down this server, cuz there is no players online. always 5-10 its not popular anymore while EG is open, many players are leave this server only because of that server :)
Clans / Re: CLAN NAME [HF] Hunter Freaks
December 20, 2015, 04:52:59 PM
good luck with clan, i hope your clan is gonne be actice , and finally learn you how to drive :P
Clans / Re: [urL] - United Racing League
December 01, 2015, 08:18:51 AM
Quote from: mooman on December 01, 2015, 08:16:23 AM
This server isn't being closed soon. In fact we have stayed open constantly (minus a few hours) since opening unlike others...

He said for this server this clan will be cloosed soon, he didn't meant server will be shutdown.
Clans / Re: [urL] - United Racing League
November 30, 2015, 12:10:37 PM
Blacky: I'm moving United Racing League to another server which name is Extreme Generation so in the future you will be able to apply there on  their forum, for this server i think it will be closed soon, so no one won't apply for urL. 


+ Check my last post about urL clan.

Next time read carefully before application
Bug reports / Re: Report bugs or they won't get fixed!
November 24, 2015, 03:51:12 PM
I wonder if it is repaired map named The_Essence_Of_The_Nature_III is it still bugged Toptimes ?

cheers mastro
General Server Discussion / Re: Report players here
November 20, 2015, 01:34:58 AM
Some pictures about "Nisam,HyperZ,MaXima"





Unban Requests / Realy Evader [UNBANNED]
November 13, 2015, 12:51:55 AM

Weedo are you pretty sure, em i evader, next time check who is then talk something.....
I just made new account LOL
You have no idea what you're doing at all as admin, and never does you always AFK, and when a man and should never and no, and when you should not be there, and btw i can't even play with my real nick in game...
believe me I'm not afraid of any admins is not the only server that can play, but since I have another account, because I was bored, so I changed

cheers Mastro!
Clans / Re: [urL] - United Racing League
November 04, 2015, 10:56:38 PM
Guys i talk with blacky if im not on clan i still talk with couple members and he decide he didn't close the the clan he just want this topic to be locked, he just dont want you all apply here, only on other server and he Move clan to another server all of u who didn't understood so you can still use urL tag who was in

Btw: haider stop/paste their apply we said to you , you dont have skiils for clan and we done. Deal with it